凛凛堂 RingRingDo
日本のポスター 京都工芸繊維大学美術工芸資料館デザインコレクション3 Modern Japanese Posters Museum and Archives, Kyoto Institute of Technology Design Collection 3
日本のポスター 京都工芸繊維大学美術工芸資料館デザインコレクション3 Modern Japanese Posters Museum and Archives, Kyoto Institute of Technology Design Collection 3
【Publisher】Seigensha Art Publishing(青幻舎)
【Publication date】2018.03.26
Author(s):Seiji Wada, Tsumiki Wada
Language(s):In Japanese
Posters were introduced into Japan from Europe at the end of the Meiji period along with printing techniques and the concept of design from which their modern-day counterparts evolved.The 229 posters presented in this collection range from posters reminiscent of ukiyo-e bijin–ga featuring beautiful women to posters in colorful modern designs produced at the end of the Meiji period, the Taisho period, and the early Showa period when visual design flourished in Japan.
Museum and Archives,
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Design Collection
The Museum and Archives has been engaged since 1902 in expanding its original collection of artworks that focused on what was at the time the latest in European design. This series treats two genres, posters and handicrafts, presenting artworks from some of the most eminent valuable collections in the country in a convenient pocket edition.